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Type20 Fully Electric Tube Bending Machine

The machine is fully electric, high speed, high accuracy, high stability 3D tube bending machine with automatic feeding device. mainly use for tube 3D bending processing ofautomotive small OD tube, aerospace industry.

CNC tube bending machine HLTB EG65-9A-R3

Fully electric, 9 Axes of servo, more quiet, more lower power consumption, more higher efficiency, flexible and stable

CNC tube bending machine HLTB EG40-8A-L4

Fully electric, 8 Axes of servo, more quiet, more lower power consumption, more higher efficiency, flexible and stable

CNC tube bending machine HLTB EG20-8A-L

Fully electric, 8 Axes of servo, more quiet, more lower power consumption, more higher efficiency, flexible and stable

CNC tube bending machine HLTB AG20-3A-L2

More bigger size smart type bending machine, more capacity, high efficiency, flexible and stable Could equipped with automatic feeding device achieve fully automatic production.

CNC tube bending machine HLTB AG12-3A-R2

Smart type bending machine, high efficiency, flexible and stable Could equipped with automatic feeding device achieve fully automatic production.

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